How MyAsianVoice Works
There is NO catch, just impact.
Join our growing respondent list. There are over 24 million Asians (12 million Asian females) living in America whose diversity and data are often not reflected in the news, research, or government.
MyAsianVoice provides a platform for us to be visible in data. We connect Asian Americans to surveys and research.
When you sign up, you will be added to our respondent list and receive relevant surveys, research, and insights.
See our solution.
MyAsianVoice values your privacy. We never share nor sell your data and will not sell to you.
Commonly asked Questions and Answers:
1. Is MyAsianVoice a non-profit?
MyAsianVoice is not a non-profit. We are a social enterprise, a mission-driven for-profit business. Unlike traditional for-profit businesses, the revenues we generate are used to further our mission.
Well known examples of social enterprises include Ben & Jerry’s, Change.org, Goodwill, Grameen Bank, and TOMS.
2. How does MyAsianVoice make money?
MyAsianVoice sells access/distribution to institutions and government to reach Asian respondents. By signing up, you are supporting our mission to increase Asian visibility to drive change.
MyAsianVoice also offer institutions bespoke advisory and consultancy services on Asian data. We provide decision makers with bespoke Asian data so they can make better decisions.
Our clients may include: Government who require disaggregated data for data equity, Fact Tanks that conduct surveys and research, Think Tanks that conduct policy research, Non-Profits and Advocacy Groups that conduct gender, equity or race-related research or initiatives, Universities that conduct social, economic, equity or medical research, and Businesses that further diversity, equity and inclusion goals.
If you want to fund our growth to further our mission, we are grateful for your non-tax deductible donation here.
3. Will my email or data be shared outside of MyAsianVoice or with your institutional clients?
MyAsianVoice will never share nor sell your email or your personal data.
4. Why should I participate in a survey, research, etc?
Your voice provides better data to policy and decision makers so that policy and allocation decisions will better serve our community.
If you do participate, you and our community benefit by 1. having your voice heard to make an impact and help drive systemic change and 2. helping to increase Asian visibility and increase resourcing to our community.
5. What does MyAsianVoice offer me that I do not get elsewhere?
Currently, there is no holistic and free platform addressing the way Asian Americans (Asian females in particular) consume news/resources and desire to make an impact.
MyAsianVoice provides a trusted platform for your voice to make an impact and help drive systemic change. We make accessible relevant surveys/research and provide free intersectional insights for the Asian female and beyond.
6. What are your editorial standards?
MyAsianVoice strives to provide news and resources that are useful to the Asian female and beyond, based on data, research, or science from trusted sources. We fact check our work and the work of our contributors.
For contributing articles and expert advice, they reflect the lived experience or viewpoints of the author. To ensure that our site serves the interest of our community, we do not use pay-to-publish models nor is there a financial relationship between MyAsianVoice and its experts.
If you believe that an article we published does not uphold these standards, contact us at with the article title, author and your comments.
7. I am interested in submitting an article, be an Expert or just get involved. Who do I contact?
Thank you for your support. Contact us with a brief description. Our North Star is that anything we publish will be useful and relevant to the Asian female or Asian community, provided that the content is free of hate, discrimination, and propaganda.